<p> </p><p><img alt="" src="http://www.division8.ca/1089/108.jpg" border="0"/></p><p align="left"><font size="2"><strong><br/></strong></font></p><p><font size="2"><strong>108.9, the new weapon from TRY-ALL.<br/></strong>With its high precision mechanism, model 108.9 is the only freewheel in the world to have nine independent pawls, which engage per series of 3 in 36 notches.<br/>Total = 108 points of engagement, one engagement every 3.3 degrees of rotation.<br/>Zero run out and unequaled number of engagements combines to give the rider fantastic feel.<br/>TRY-ALL works together with champions in an effort to offer you the best products.<br/>Weight: 170 G.<br/>Available sizes: 16T -17T -18T</font><br/> <br/></p><img src="http://www.try-all.com/pj/schema.jpg" border="0" alt=""/>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-6 23:12:59编辑过]