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[技术] 编译:职业公路自行车运动员踏频与效率的关系

  • TA的每日心情

    2015-12-31 00:06
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    发表于 2014-4-22 13:28 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 yangt1193 于 2014-4-23 08:35 编辑


    期刊:Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2004 Jun;36(6):1048-54. 【运动医学与科学,2013年影响因子
    4.475 】
    题目:In professional road cyclists, low pedaling cadences are less efficient
    作者:Lucia A1, San Juan AF, Montilla M, CaNete S, Santalla A, Earnest C, Pérez M.
    作者单位:  Exercise Physiology Laboratory, European University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain. alejandro.lucia@mrfs.cisa.uem.es

    To determine the effects of changes in pedaling frequency on the gross efficiency (GE) and other physiological variables (oxygen uptake (VO2), HR, lactate, pH, ventilation, motor unit recruitment estimated by EMG) of professional cyclists while generating high power outputs (PO).
    Following a counterbalanced, cross-over design, eight professional cyclists (age (mean +/- SD): 26 +/- 2 yr, VO2max: 74.0 +/- 5.7 mL x kg x min) performed three 6-min bouts at a fixed PO (mean of 366 +/- 37 W) and at a cadence of 60, 80, and 100 rpm.
    Values of GE averaged 22.4 +/- 1.7, 23.6 +/- 1.8 and 24.2 +/- 2.0% at 60, 80, and 100 rpm, respectively. Mean GE at 100 rpm was significantly higher than at 60 rpm (P < 0.05). Similarly, mean values of VO2, HR, rates of perceived exertion (RPE), lactate and normalized root-mean square EMG (rms-EMG) in both vastus lateralis and gluteus maximum muscles decreased at increasing cadences.
    In professional road cyclists riding at high PO, GE/economy improves at increasing pedaling cadences.

    目的:研究专业自行车运动员在大功率运动时踏频的变化对总效率(gross efficency,不知这个术语在单车训练中指的什么指标,用什么仪器测量)和生理指标(摄氧量、心率、乳酸水平、血液pH值,通气阈以及用肌电图评价的运动单位募集—就是肌纤维募集动员程度)的影响。

    方法:采用平衡交叉设计对8名专业自行车运动员(平均年龄26±2岁,最大摄氧量74.0±5.7 ml/kg/min)分别以60、80和100 转/分钟 的踏频进行三次运动运动测试,每次运动强度固定(功率输出为366±37瓦),每次测试时长为6分钟。

    结果:60、80和100 转/分踏频对应的总效率分为别22.4±1.7,23.6±1.8和24.2±2.0。100 转/分钟踏频时的功率显著高于60 转/分钟的总效率(P < 0.05)。而摄氧量、HR和体力感觉等级量表(PRE量表)值、乳酸和股外侧肌及臀大肌的归一化均方根肌电图结果也呈同样的趋势。


    最大摄氧量(maximal oxygen consumption, VO2max)是指在人体进行最大强度的运动,当机体出现无力继续支撑接下来的运动时,所能摄入的氧气含量。作为耐力运动员的重要选材依据之一,是反映人体有氧运动能力的重要指标,高水平最大摄氧量是高水平有氧运动能力的基础。
    ③ 肌电图:


    不知道大家在爬龙井(距离固定:2.65 km,功率输出相对固定:每个人的最大能力相对稳定、所能蹬动的齿比也相对稳定的前提下)时,踏频是多少?最大心率是多少?



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  • TA的每日心情
    2018-12-5 21:19
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    发表于 2014-4-22 16:20 | 只看该作者
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  • TA的每日心情

    2015-12-31 00:06
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     楼主| 发表于 2014-4-22 20:40 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 yangt1193 于 2014-4-22 20:48 编辑


    这只禽兽提到了爬龙井时的踏频:十上十下,踏频 90~97,腿软……成绩从10'33'' ~ 6'56''   
    http://hzbike.com/forum.php?mod= ... p;extra=&page=2

    还有一只禽兽说他爬龙井,最大心率在194 bpm,帖子找不到了,给不出链接了

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  • TA的每日心情

    2015-12-31 00:06
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     楼主| 发表于 2014-4-22 21:38 | 只看该作者
    Int J Sports Med. 2008 Mar;29(3):244-50.

    Cadence-power-relationship during decisive mountain ascents at the Tour de France.

    Vogt S1, Roecker K, Schumacher YO, Pottgiesser T, Dickhuth HH, Schmid A, Heinrich L.

    Author information
    Department of Preventive and Rehabilitative Sports Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany. stefan.vogt@uniklinik-freiburg.de


    The aim of the study was to report the relationship between cadence and power developed by professional cyclists during high mountain ascents of the Tour de France. From the 10 cyclists (30 +/- 4 years, 178 +/- 8 cm, 69 +/- 6 kg) involved in the study, 108 ascents were recorded and analyzed using a mobile power measurement device (SRM Training Systems, Jülich, Germany). Based on topographic characteristics, the ascents were categorized into 1st and Hors Category (HC) climbs. During the ascents of the 1st Category climbs, power output averaged 312 +/- 43 W (4.5 +/- 0.6 W/kg) with a mean cadence of 73 +/- 6 rpm and a mean duration of 37 : 41 +/- 16 : 16 min. Power output averaged 294 +/- 36 W (4.3 +/- 0.6 W/kg) at a mean cadence of 70 +/- 6 rpm during 57 : 40 +/- 10 : 32 min on HC climbs. The maximal mean power for long durations (1800 s) showed a mean power output of 327 W and 346 W for the 1st and HC climbs, respectively. The evaluation of the cadence-power output and the distance per pedaling cycle-power output relationship shows that high power outputs are mainly yielded by higher pedaling cadences and higher gears.

    我有个疑问,为什么看到国外各车队科研人员或者研究所发表的东西,其运动员功率输出都在 ~400 W,而论坛里的各种禽兽,一说蹬车就上个5、6、7、800 W呢?请明白的前辈指教。

    居然每年30, 000 ~ 35, 000 km的训练量,么么滴个神啊!

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  • TA的每日心情
    2018-12-5 21:19
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    发表于 2014-4-22 22:32 | 只看该作者
    yangt1193 发表于 2014-4-22 21:38
    Int J Sports Med. 2008 Mar;29(3):244-50.

    Cadence-power-relationship during decisive mountain asc ...

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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-8-14 00:52
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    发表于 2014-4-22 23:00 | 只看该作者

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  • TA的每日心情

    2015-12-31 00:06
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     楼主| 发表于 2014-4-23 06:46 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 yangt1193 于 2014-4-23 08:53 编辑
    医生 发表于 2014-4-22 22:32

    好啊,我这里除了EMG,上文中涉及到的最大摄氧量等指标都能测,包括三大物质的能量代谢(从固定强度、功率输出时的耗氧量和CO2呼出量进行推算,indirect method中最准确的方法)……意大利的Cosmed全套,精度顶级。


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  • TA的每日心情

    2015-12-31 00:06
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     楼主| 发表于 2014-4-23 08:59 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 yangt1193 于 2014-4-23 13:08 编辑

    额,这项研究好像国外很多车队和同行都挺重视。西班牙 Lucia 女士他们这个团队,以前的帖子中有提及过。

    Preferred pedalling cadence in professional cycling



    LUC&Iacute;A, A., J. HOYOS, and J. L. CHICHARRO. Preferred pedalling cadence in professional cycling. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 33, No. 8, 2001, pp. 1361–1366.
    Purpose: The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the preferred cycling cadence of professional riders during competition.
    Methods: We measured the cadence of seven professional cyclists (28 ± 1 yr) during 3-wk road races (Giro d’Italia, Tour de France, and Vuelta a Espa&ntilde;a) involving three main competition requirements: uphill cycling (high mountain passes of ∼15 km, or HM); individual time trials of ∼50 km on level ground (TT); and flat, long (∼190 km) group stages (F). Heart rate (HR) data were also recorded as an indicator of exercise intensity during HM, TT, and F.
    Results: Mean cadence was significantly lower (P < 0.01) during HM (71.0 ± 1.4 rpm) than either F and TT (89.3 ± 1.0 and 92.4 ± 1.3 rpm, respectively). HR was similar during HM and TT (157 ± 4 and 158 ± 3 bpm) and in both cases higher (P < 0.01) than during F (124 ± 2 bpm).
    Conclusion: During both F and TT, professional riders spontaneously adopt higher cadences (around 90 rpm) than those previously reported in the majority of laboratory studies as being the most economical. In contrast, during HM they seem to adopt a more economical pedalling rate (∼70 rpm), possibly as a result of the specific demands of this competition phase.

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  • TA的每日心情

    2015-12-31 00:06
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     楼主| 发表于 2014-4-23 09:10 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 yangt1193 于 2014-4-23 13:12 编辑

    High Cadence vs Low Cadence Cycling

    A smooth, fluid pedal stroke combined with a good cadence is an integral part of riding fast and efficiently (and therefore winning races.)  Cadence can be described simply as your pedaling speed. It is measured in Revolutions Per Minute, or RPM. This is the number of times your legs complete full circles in 60 seconds of riding.

    Cadence varies between riders and even the same rider will vary their cadence in a given situation, but most elite riders use a fast cadence. There is no “one size fits all” perfect cadence, but we’ll look at the differences between the high and low cadences in this article.

    For the purposes of this article, I will use the following measurements to describe cadence:

    Very slow: 50-70  RPM

    Slow: 70-80  RPM

    Moderate: 80-90  RPM

    Fast: 90-100  RPM

    Very Fast: 100-110  RPM

    Extremely Fast: 110+  RPM

    To simplify even further, you can consider anything under 90 RPM to be a low cadence, and 90+ RPM would be a high cadence.

    High vs Low Cadence: The Pros and Cons
    Let’s start by looking at the pros and cons of each cadence…

    If you are riding with a high cadence in an easy gear, pedaling is going to tax your cardiovascular and respiratory systems. If you have a strong heart and lungs, you can probably hold a fast cadence for a long period of time. Because of the easy gear, it will produce less strain on your muscles.
    Low cadence riding in a hard gear taxes your skeletal muscles, specifically your quads. Since you’re using a big gear, you have to apply lots of force to turn it. If your legs are very big and powerful, this may work well for you.
    Turning the big gear slowly has less effect on your heart and lungs, so you’re less likely to be gasping for air or have a skyrocketing heart rate.
    However, there is an edge towards the higher cadence riding. Your heart and lungs can take repeated punishment for long periods of time (and they recovery quickly after hard efforts,) while your muscles will fatigue relatively quickly.
    A high cadence also places less stress and torque on your knees. So if you have bad knees, you’re usually better off spinning faster, in a low gear.
    There is also a tactical advantage to using a high cadence. Spinning fast in a low gear allows for faster accelerations, because you can bump up your cadence even more to increase your speed. If you need to shift gears, that’s also easier, since the drivetrain in under less stress.
    If you’re pushing a big gear and the pace changes, you’re in trouble. You won’t be able to change cadence or shift gears quickly, so you may get dropped.

    Cadence in the Pro Peloton
    The most noteworthy example of cadence in the pro peloton is the rivalry between Jan Ullrich and Lance Armstrong in the mountain stages of the Tour de France. When Lance came back to win the Tour, he was riding at a very fast cadence, usually 110rpm or more. Ullrich, on the other hand, was grinding out the big gears at a cadence closer to 65-70rpm.

    While both riders were very talented, Lance and his higher cadence always seemed to get the better of Ullrich (and everyone else in the race, for that matter.) But don’t forget, Jan Ullrich won the Tour back in 1997, so it’s entirely possible that some future TdF champs will be turning the pedals slowly.【这样的讨论是不是太有意思了?】
    I’d put my money on a higher-cadence rider, though. There has been at least one study of professional cyclists (from the European Journal of Applied Physiology,额,欧洲应用生理学杂志,我们实验室有篇本科生论文:用超声研究普通人低氧运动时心脏左室功能变化的论文发表在此刊物,2007年) that showed a link between high cadence riding and better overall performance. The reasoning is that the less tension on the muscles, the longer you have before fatigue sets in.【仅一项研究就值得这教练员这么下赌注?

    Since I don’t have cadence data for all pro riders, I can’t specify what cadence is the most popular, but I’d venture a guess that most riders fall in the 80-100rpm range, depending on the situation. Especially today, with studies and anecdotal evidence supporting a high cadence for performance riding.

    Finding Your Most Efficient Cadence
    Despite the edge in favor of high cadences, the best thing to do is perform some tests to determine your optimal cadence.

    Time Trial Cadence Test  ★

    The easiest way to determine your optimal cadence is by performing a time trial multiple times, using a different cadence each time.

    First, determine a course on local roads that takes about 10 minutes to complete. This route will be the same for each time trial.

    Next, perform a time trial on the course at a cadence of 80rpm. When finished, record your time and rating of perceived exertion (RPE.)

    Ride easy for 15-20 minutes, then perform another time trial, this time using a cadence around 95-100rpm. When finished, record your time and RPE.
    A couple days later, perform the same test again, but do the first time trial at a high cadence and the second time trial at a low cadence.

    Now you can compare the data. Whichever cadence produced faster times and lower RPE values is probably your ideal cadence.
    For example, if the slow cadence has your legs burning and your average speed slowing down, while you feel great at a high cadence and cut a minute off your slow cadence trials, it’s a safe bet that you should be riding at a high cadence.

    You could perform this test multiple times for a better sample size, but in general, you’re just comparing how fast you could ride a course at different cadences. If you want to get specific, you could try doing time trials at 80rpm, 85rpm, 90rpm, 95rpm, 100rpm, 110rpm, etc.

    If you ride comfortably somewhere in the range of 85-110rpm, that’s probably good.

    Hill Climb Cadence Test  ★
    Find a hill climb that takes about 3 minutes to complete. (You’ll be doing more time trials, but you won’t need to record data.)

    On trial one, ride the first 2/3 of the hill in a low gear and a cadence around 95rpm. For the last 1/3, use whatever gear and cadence you want.
    On trial two, ride the first 2/3 of the hill in a big gear and a cadence around 80rpm. For the last 1/3, use whatever gear and cadence you want.
    To get the results, just remember what you did on the last 1/3 of the hill in each test.

    For the last 1/3 of the hill, you probably wanted to recover, and you would have switched to whatever cadence is more comfortable for you. If you were staying in and switching to a lower gear and high cadence, then high cadence riding is for you. If you couldn’t wait to shift to a harder gear and slow your cadence down so you could catch your breath, then you may be best suited for big gear and low cadence riding.

    Cadence Summary
    There are pros and cons to high and low cadences. You should test out a variety of cadences and ride what is most comfortable and fastest for you.
    The ‘right’ cadence is different for everyone, and you’ll probably vary your cadence depending on the terrain, so you don’t have to freak out about getting the exact cadence. All I can say is that your ideal cadence will fall somewhere between “holy sh*t my legs are on fire!” and “I… can’t… breathe!”
    If you can’t seem to pick a favorite RPM within that range, err on the high cadence side, just below the point where you can’t breathe steadily.


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  • TA的每日心情

    2015-12-31 00:06
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     楼主| 发表于 2014-4-23 13:14 | 只看该作者
    野人LW 发表于 2014-4-23 12:30

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